Please note: We apologize for the inconvenience, due to quality control, we do not fulfill online pharmacy prescriptions or requests. As always, the safety of your pet is our top priority.
We are excited to welcome new and current patients here at Paws & Claws. Currently we are completing in-house appointments. Please give us a call at 972-867-8800 ext. 1 when you arrive to ensure a sanitized exam room is available. We look forward to serving you and your four-legged family member.

We see a lot of “Doodle” breeds here at Paws & Claws Animal Hospital and Holistic Pet Center. I am sure most can agree, if you have gone to any park within the last couple years at least 25% of the pups playing are “Doodles.”

What is a “Doodle?” A “Doodle” is any breed of dog mixed with a Poodle. Most pet parents get these breeds because they are hypoallergenic and do not shed, making them safe for those with sensitivities to pet dander.

However, even though “Doodles” can make wonderful pets, we have seen medical problems in most of the “Doodles” who have joined our practice as patients.

These problems include problems of the skin, ears, bladder, and GI system. This should not be surprising as these problems are commonly seen in Retrievers & Poodles. Similar to Retrievers, we also diagnosis a lot of thyroid disease in “Doodles.” Additionally, as “Doodles” age, they exhibit the same problems as other large breeds of dogs, including arthritis, cancers of the bone, spleen, liver, and heart.

To help delay the onset of arthritis we routinely prescribe Advanced Revitalizing Formula and Mega Joint, a joint supplement that comes in a tasty treat form. This can be started on your first puppy visit or any age. To help minimize Ear & Skin disease, we routinely prescribe Dr. Shawn’s Herbal Ear Wash & Dr. Shawn’s Itch Relief Shampoo.

Finally, due to the number of medical problems we see in “Doodles”, we strongly encourage pet parents to purchase pet insurance shortly have acquiring their “Doodle.”

To book an appointment, give us a call at 972-867-8800.