Please note: We apologize for the inconvenience, due to quality control, we do not fulfill online pharmacy prescriptions or requests. As always, the safety of your pet is our top priority.
We are excited to welcome new and current patients here at Paws & Claws. Currently we are completing in-house appointments. Please give us a call at 972-867-8800 ext. 1 when you arrive to ensure a sanitized exam room is available. We look forward to serving you and your four-legged family member.
We love treating pets with IBD. They respond so well to natural medicines and rarely require long-term therapy with immunosuppressive drugs like prednisone.

One of our most challenging IBD cases involved Rosie, an 8-year-old female miniature schnauzer. When we first saw Rosie, her parents informed us that she had been diagnosed and treated for IBD for the past 2 years. Sadly, they said Rosie was nearing the rainbow bridge from this disease with no hope of recovery (according to both her veterinarian and the specialist who had treated her previously.) They also told us Rosie was scheduled for euthanasia within the next 24 hours but wanted us to try and help her.

Talk about pressure!

Rosie was not in good shape and Dr. Shawn could see why they thought euthanasia might be the humane choice for her. However, Dr. Shawn told them if they could give him 24 hours and allow him to treat her aggressively, he would do his best for her. Since recent blood and urine testing did not reveal any specific organ abnormalities Dr. Shawn did not need to offer any additional support other than for her GI tract.

We instituted aggressive detoxification of her entire body using herbs and homeopathics. Dr. Shawn prescribed high doses of enzymes (Dr. Shawn’s Enzymes and Probiotics) and herbal GI support (Dr. Shawn’s Advanced GI Formula.) Low dose omega 3’s was added as well for their anti-inflammatory activity (the dose was later increased as Rosie improved.) We also administered GI clay to Rosie to adsorb any GI toxins and put her on a safe dose of prednisone (to quickly reduce her inflammatory response to her GI system) and metronidazole (to kill the bad bacteria in her GI tract that was further damaging her cells.) Specific homeopathic mixtures Dr. Shawn created were also used to improve nutrient utilization, cell functioning, general healing of exhausted cellular systems, and increase her ability to heal and generally “feel better.”

When we checked on Rosie 24 hours later, she was much better and the owners decided against euthanasia! Fortunately, Rosie continued to improve and we were able to wean her to a very low, non-toxic dose of prednisone. She was maintained on her natural medicines to keep her in remission. She lived several more years before dying of an unrelated disease.

Like Rosie, most pets with IBD do not require chronic treatment with prednisone but do well when treated with the appropriate combination of herbs, nutritional supplements, and homeopathic medicines.