Please note: We apologize for the inconvenience, due to quality control, we do not fulfill online pharmacy prescriptions or requests. As always, the safety of your pet is our top priority.
We are excited to welcome new and current patients here at Paws & Claws. Currently we are completing in-house appointments. Please give us a call at 972-867-8800 ext. 1 when you arrive to ensure a sanitized exam room is available. We look forward to serving you and your four-legged family member.

Hemp/CBD oil is the supplement of the day, the latest fad. While I believe it can be beneficial for a variety of conditions, including seizures, immune support, cancer, aging-related issues, and anxiety, I fear that so many pet owners are jumping on the hemp/CBD bandwagon with no understanding of the science involved.

There are many diseases for which a proper diagnosis is essential; simply giving a pet hemp/CBD harms the pet if the proper diagnosis is not made. Additionally, it is rare that hemp/CBD should ever be used as the sole treatment; simply giving a pet hemp/CBD doesn’t treat the pet but rather (may) treat the disease, which is no different than giving a pet a drug to treat the disease while ignoring the pet’s health. In my holistic functional medicine practice, our focus is primarily on the pet and not the disease. If needed, hemp/CBD is used as part of a holistic treatment plan once the proper diagnosis is made, and the pet’s body is restored to its proper function. Finally, keep in mind that there are numerous hemp/CBD products available. I have seen a lot of “garbage” products that do not help the pet and may, in fact, harm it (and these products definitely harm the pet parent’s pocketbook if a worthless product is purchased. And keep in mind that every CBD product is useless if the proper dosing is not used; dosing must be tailored to the pet’s specific needs rather than following a generic label dose.